Minutes, Rovereto, Italy, August 2009

Present: the 2007-2009 board and the 2009-2011 board (Robin Hogarth, Ilana Ritov, Rob Ranyard, Gaelle Villejoubert, Nicolao Bonini, Fergus Bolger, Cilia Witteman), 45 members.

All decisions proposed by the board (see minutes of the August 2009 Executive Board meeting) are accepted by the members.

  • The financial reports of 2007 and 2008 are approved.
  • The maximum sponsorship of workshops is raised from € 2250 to € 3000, for at most 3 workshops a year.
  • Because of the high banking costs, full members will from 2010 pay €30, students €15. People will pay membership fees for 2 years while registering for Spudm. So there will be a last 1-year payment in 2010.
  • After Toulouse is voted away, the meeting is happy to have the next Spudm 2011 in Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom.
  • An offer is made to investigate the option that Haifa will host Spudm in 2013; after the meeting Barcelona is also proposed.
  • The 2011 De Finetti committee will consist of Pieter Koele (chair), Benjamin Scheibehenne (this year’s winner), Mandeep Dhami and Rob Ranyard.
  • The 2011 Jane Beattie committee will consist of Ilana Ritov (chair), Marcel Zeelenberg, Ellen Peters and Nicolao Bonini.

Members are exhorted to make more active use of the website. A member proposes to put the programs of all previous Spudm meetings on the website. Gaelle will look into this. She ask for assistance with the website, and for any interested member to contact her.

Robin introduces the new board members: Nicolao as president-elect and Fergus as member-at-large.Ilana thanks Rob and Robin for all their work for Eadm in the past 2 years, and presents them with an engraved wooden testimony of their board-membership.

Minutes, September 2nd, 2007, Warsaw, Poland

1. Opening by John Maule (president)

We currently have 166 senior and 28 PhD paying members.

2. Reports of the 2005 and 2006 Board and business meetings are presented to the members;

All members are now on the mailing list unless they sign out.

Spudm is back to 4 days.

We will send out an internet questionnaire about the conference again after this conference

3. The treasurer’s reports are presented and approved.

4. The workshops held in 2006 and 2007 (so far) are presented. We are happy that there have been quite a few workshops; many more than before.

5. Proposed modifications in the Articles and Standing Orders of the EADM are presented to the members and put to the vote (enough members are present (> 30) to make the vote legal).


Art. 24

was:            The Executive Board is elected by the members

change:      The members elect the President-Elect and the Member at Large of the              Executive Board

Art. 27

was:            After the Executive Board has been elected, it appoints from its midst the           Secretary-Treasurer and the Newsletter Editor

change:      After the President-Elect and the Member at Large have been elected        they            appoint together with the new President a Secretary-Treasurer and a                          Newsletter Editor


Standing Orders

Clause 2

.. nominations of a candidate to serve as President-Elect and

was:            of candidates to serve on the Executive Board

change:      of a candidate to serve as Member at Large


Clause E:

was:           The Executive Board has at most 2 members with the same nationality.              The President and the President-Elect have a different nationality.

change:      delete

Not agreed

The secretary-treasurer (Cilia Witteman) will have these changes made.

NB (October 2007): Since the costs of formally changing these Articles, through the notary, turns out to be quite high (575 Euros excl. 19 % VAT), the Board decided to keep two files: (1) the up-dated articles and (2) the notarized articles. When EADM has many changes to make, we can then do all the changes at once.

6. The next Spudm organisers are presented, as well as the next Prize committees:

Spudm 2009 will be in Rovereto. Organising committee: Nicolao Bonini, Dinos Hadjichristidis (Trento)(Local organisers); Rob Ranyard (for the Eadm Board), Elke Weber (USA member), person from 2011 Spudm organisation.

For Spudm 2011: there are two possibilities: Barcelona (Robin Hogarth) and Toulouse (Gaëlle Villejoubert). Robin and Gaëlle will investigate, and report before the end of October.

No other cities volunteer during the meeting.

2009 De Finetti prize committee: Pieter Koele (chair), Dan Goldstein, Mandeep Dhami, Wibecke Brun.

2009 Jane Beattie prize committee: Robin Hogarth (chair), Marcel Zeelenberg (this year’s winner), Nigel Harvey, Ilana Ritov.

7. Future of EADM

The aim is to facilitate and promote decision research.

Gaëlle gets very positive reactions to her proposal of a dynamic, professional website. She foresees contributing editors for different areas. The members vote to make money availbale for her plans.

John and Robin propose the PR-offensive. Aims are: to lobby at the European level to increase funding for DM research, to help create positions for young DM researchers in Europe, to give or increase service to the public. Ideas are to get publicity around workshops and conferences. John’s son will advise us how to het the right angle to interest policy makers and journalists, e.g. by making press releases or flyers in all countries. Other ideas are to mention EADM in grant proposals, to find reviewers through the website, and to publish successful grant proposals on the website.

A requirement added to workshop-funding could be to send out a press release before the workshop.

John and Robin also get the green light to go ahead with their plans.

Some members volunteer to assist Gaëlle and/or John and Robin; more help is welcome.

8. John Maule hands over the chair to Robin Hogarth, the new President.

The new board members (Ilana Ritov as president-elect and Rob Ranyard as member-at large) are welcomed by the new President (Robin Hogarth).

9. Nicolao Bonini presents very attractive slides about the location of the next Spudm, Roverto.  We look forward to it.

Cilia Witteman

Minutes of the EADM Board meeting in Rovereto, Sunday August 23rd 2009

Present: Robin Hogarth, Ilana Ritov, Rob Ranyard, Gaelle Villejoubert, Nicolao Bonini, Fergus Bolger, Cilia Witteman

  1. The minutes of the 2007 board and business meetings are approved without changes
  2. An overview is presented of the workshops in 2007 and 2008. We note that there have been fewer workshops than we would wish. We decide to propose in the business meeting to raise the maximum sponsorship (from € 2250 to 3000) to make it more attractive and to sponsor at most 3 workshops a year. Also we will promote organising workshops through the website, on which Gaelle will adapt the rules: No recurrent events, advertise through the website and the mailinglist, a lower fee for EADM members (plus the existing rules: applicant is a member etc).
  3. The Financial report 2007 and 2008 are approved. Our income consists of membership fees, which are sometimes a hassle as well as expensive (banking costs) to cash in. We decide to propose in the business meeting that we ask € 3 extra, so that full members now pay € 30, and to raise student membership to € 15. We also decide to propose that people pay membership fees for 2 years while registering for Spudm. So there will be a last 1-year payment in 2010. Cilia will find out whether payment can be made through the website, using PayPal. Robin will contact Joshua Klayman to discuss the Jane Beattie travel award of € 500 that we provide for a European to travel to JDM.
  4. Gaelle will propose Kingston for Spudm 2011. The committee will consist of herself, someone else from London (to contact through Nigel), Oppenheimer as the US member, Fergus as the EADM board member, and someone from the 2013 organising committee.
  5. For Spudm 2013 we have no serious options yet; we will contact different people. (At the business meeting, Haifa is proposed; at the social dinner Barcelona comes up as a serious option)
  6. The 2011 De Finetti committee will consist of Pieter Koele (chair), Benjamin Scheibehenne (this year’s winner), Mandeep Dhami and Rob Ranyard.
  7. The 2011 Jane Beattie committee will consist of Ilana Ritov (chair), Marcel Zeelenberg, Ellen Peters and Nicolao Bonini.
  8. The website needs more active use by members and more information from the web-masters. Gaelle takes care of the member-pages, Neda Kerimi of the ads, and Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck of technical matters. Gaelle will ask other members in the business meeting to lend a hand, and ask all members to look at their personal data.
  9. The new board members (Nicolao as president-elect and Fergus as member-at-large) are welcomed, and Robin and Rob are thanked for all their work in the past 2 years.

To Do

  1. put new workshop rules on website (Gaelle)
  2. look into PayPal option (Cilia)
  3. contact Joshua Klayman about Beattie travel award (Robin)
  4. invite members to Spudm11 Kingston committee (Gaelle)
  5. contact Barcelona member who proposed to host Spudm 2013; inform the board (Robin)
  6. inform chairs of the De Finetti committee (Cilia) and Beattie committee (Ilana)