SPUDM 2021 Call for Papers


The European Association for Decision Making invites submissions for presentations, posters and/or symposia for the 28th Biennial SPUDM (Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making) Conference which will be hosted online by Warwick Business School and the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick, UK, from 22 – 24 August 2021.

SPUDM has been the leading European decision making and behavioural economics conference since its inception in 1969. Those years have seen SPUDM host the greatest researchers in our field, and we are committed to keeping this tradition alive and making this 28th meeting, the first to be held entirely online, one of the very best.

Our keynote speakers include Rory Sutherland (Vice Chairman of Ogilvy &
Mather Advertising) Gaëlle Vallée-Tourangeau (President-elect EADM) and Ilana Ritov, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. There will also be a special guest appearance by Daniel Kahneman, who will field questions about his forthcoming book Noise (co-written with Oliver Sibony and Cass Sunstein).

We will host papers, discussions and posters covering the full range of modern thinking in behavioural science, behavioural economics, and judgment and decision making. We strongly encourage submissions from new researchers, from researchers in countries less represented in the JDM community, and from researchers working in new areas and in the applications of behavioural science.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 30 April 2021. Make your submissions by clicking here: SPUDM2021