4th EADM Summer School – applications

We are pleased to invite applications for the 4th EADM Summer School!

Date: July 9th – 15th, 2018
Location: University of Salzburg, Department of Psychology, Austria
Theme: Open Science in Decision Making Research

The program will cover workshops on mousetracking (Pascal Kieslich), decisions from experience/description (Dirk Wulff) and fMRI (Stefan Hawelka) with an overarching theme on Open Science (Anne Scheel), how to use osf.io and where decision research might turn to in the next 20 years.

Additionally to the workshops we are excited to announce four keynote speakers:
Susann Fiedler (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn)
Ralph Hertwig (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin)
Mirjam Jenny (Harding Center for Risk Literacy, Berlin)
Neil Stewart (Warwick Business School, Warwick)

The EADM Summer School covers lunches and coffee breaks. The participants have to cover travel costs + accommodation in Salzburg themselves (we will provide suggestions for affordable accommodation in due time)!

For your application please send us one .pdf file with the following information:

  • CV (1 page): including information on your education, former + current supervisors, publications and a link to additional online resources
  • Interests (1 page): describe two current or future research interests (what keeps you up at night?)

Submit the file here
Deadline for registration is: February, 28th, 2018

We are looking forward to your applications!

Feel free to contact us at: summerschool2018@eadm.eu or on Twitter @eadmsummer

4th EADM Summer School – announcement

Date: July 9th – 15th, 2018
Location: University of Salzburg, Department of Psychology
Theme: Open Science in Decision Making Research 
Eligible: Pre- and early Post-Docs
The summer school has two main objectives:
1) Introducing and applying the ideas of open science, replicability and reproducibility in judgement and decision making research.
2) Providing an introduction to collecting and understanding process data in the realm of economic  experiments and consumer behavior.
The summer school will include keynotes from:

Susann Fiedler (Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn)
Ralph Hertwig (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin)
Mirjam Jenny (Harding Center for Risk Literacy, Berlin)
Neil Stewart (Warwick Business School, Warwick)

Further details will be posted early 2018.
Feel free to contact us at: summerschool2018@eadm.eu or on Twitter @eadmsummer

3rd EADM JDM Summer School

The European Association for Decision Making (EADM) is pleased to announce its third Judgment and Decision Making (JDM) Summer School for PhD Students. It will take place between 11-16 July 2016 at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The Summer School will consist of a weeklong program of courses covering issues of methodology in Judgment and Decision Making (JDM) research including theory building (Martijn van Zomeren, Groningen), cognitive modeling (Ido Erev, Technion), open science (Daniel Lakens, Eindhoven; Susann Fiedler, MPI Bonn), panel data analysis (Andreas Glöckner and Marc Jekel, Hagen), games (Ori Weisel, Nottingham; Shaul Shalvi, Amsterdam), and process tracing (Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Bern; Martijn Willemsen, Eindhoven).

EADM Summer School 2016 Program